Thursday, 20 April 2023

The Times : Representation and Industry



1) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the main story on the front page?

  • Offers a positive representation of Boris Johnson and the Conservative party in their main front page story.

2) What representation is offered by the World Book Day picture story on the front of the Times?

Having the World Book Day picture on the front page of The Times shows a frequency as it is something people can look forward to every year and it is presented as soft news compared to everything else that is going on in the news.

3) How does the coverage of the Royal Family in the Times contrast with the reporting of the same events in the Daily Mirror?

The Royal Family in the Times are presented in a professional, serious way

4) How is Amazon represented in the Times inside page story?

 It views Amazon as progress and exciting rather than a threat. All the criticisms that appear in the article are immediately followed by a more positive viewpoint to reassure readers and present Amazon positively.

5) How does the representation of Amazon contrast with the Daily Mirror story on the same topic?

1) Who owns the Times? Write the name of the company AND the billionaire who owns the company.

 Company: News UK and Rupert Murdoch.

2) What was the The Times's circulation in 2019? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s?

1990-3 million a day
now they sell around 300,000 everyday.
More successful online- 500,000 followers. 

3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

The times created social media account updating their content regularly on it (twitter, facebook

4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?

Regulate 1500 print and 1100 online titles.
Listen to complaints about press behaviour.
Help with unwanted press attention.
Advise publication editors .
Provide information to the public.
Provide a journalist whistleblowing hotline.

5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers? 

Some people think that the newspaper industry cannot be trusted to regulate itself with using IPSO and that stronger regulation should be better introduced. 

OSP: Introduction to influencers

 1) What years did YouTube, Twitter and Instagram launch?

  YouTube in 2005, Twitter in 2006, and in 2010, Instagram 

2) What is the definition of an influencer?

a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommended the items on social media.

3) Give an example of an influencer and how many followers they have. Try and add some additional information, brand associations or other statistics if you can.

Zoella has 10.7M followers
 £15,000 a month from YouTube pre-roll advertising, up to £20,000 each for promotional videos or Instagram posts plus money from books and a beauty product range with Superdrug.

Kylie Jenner (233 million followers on Instagram) can earn as much as $1m per post.

4) How big is the influencer industry according to the article?

Very. By the end of 2019, the influencer marketing industry was worth some $8bn a year. One recent report by Insider Intelligence predicted that it would grow to $15bn globally by the end of 2022.

5) What are the problems associated with being an influencer?

Endless hours spent preparing for photo shoots, arranging photographers, changing outfits in cramped “pop-up tents”, editing photos and thinking up envy-inducing captions and hashtags. Demanding clients often force them to endlessly re-shoot photos or videos until they come out just right.There’s the pressure of always seeking to increase your follower count to drive up revenues.

6) Why is it suggested that audiences actually like being sold products by influencers?

No as its a sign of success. 

7) What representation of beauty is often found on Instagram or other influencer sites?

“a young face, of course, with poreless skin and plump, high cheekbones”, long lashes and full lips – generally white but with a hint of “rootless exoticism”

8) What is YOUR opinion on influencers? Are they a positive or negative influence on our society and culture? Why?

I believe influencers lie on social media to promote brand products to audience which in reality the product may be very bad in order to get revenue and money.

The Times : Representation and Industry

   Representation 1)  What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the main story on the front page? Offers a positive repr...